Have you heard of GetGeared in the UK? We haven’t so we decided to research further and provide an unbiased opinion.
After all, we’re an independent motorcycling brand that’s out to help others better understand how to make the most out of their machines.
Frontaer isn’t paid for their online reviews and thus, we’re very much unbiased.
Let’s begin.
GetGeared Review
It’s great that you’re doing your research as we had to do much of the same. Get Geared isn’t as well known as some of the other stores out there, but they have been around for a few years now actually.

In fact, we dug into their company history and found some interesting elements worth mentioning:
- They’ve been running before the iPhone even came into existence
- They are family-owned and there is no corporation controlling their stakes.
- GetGeared has taken the independent approach to product and brand alliances.
- They also happen to know a lot about the gear they recommend to customers.
Through this, they’ve been able to generate a solid reputation in the United Kingdom and much of Europe too. Their Trustpilot account shows thousands of happy customers too who had received great service.
Social Media
We place a huge amount of trust in the social media followings of any business and this is one of those businesses. It’s clear that GetGeared wants to reach their customers directly.

See – we’ve seen some stores that started 20 years ago and have very little touch with social media. GetGeared has taken the approach of spending a lot of time building their Facebook, Instagram and YouTube accounts.
What’s great is that they have realized how many people are using their phones to do their online checkout. It’s up around the 75% mark. So they have optimized their experience of their website to accoomplish just that.
Negative Reviews of GetGeared
Naturally, you’re bound to find some negative reviews and experiences with this motorcycle retailer. It happens everywhere. While they have one of the best reputations of motorcycle stores in the UK, they aren’t immune to letting some customers down.
However, when you really distill those harsh comments, you quickly realize that some people are just inheritly negative. Even if they had a good experience, they’ll leave a 3-star or less review online. As a business, it’s disheartening.
On the same token, there are those who may have been fumbled around with an unreliable courier with lost parcels or the wrong item sent. This happens to all online stores, and GetGeared does their best to fix these issues.
What isn’t obvious is that the ratio of negative to positive customer experiences is tilted in one directoin with some bias. Because someone is far more likely to leave a negative review online than a positive one, you’ll find more stores sitting around the 3.5 to 4 star mark on average. With GetGeared, it’s remarkably 4.5 which is excellent.
In Summary
We’re talking about a damn good store here with great customer service and a wide range of gear available. What’s most importantly is that their reputation is strong and they’ve been in business for many years.
If you’re in the UK and looking for a good store to buy some gear with, we’d recommend GetGeared in a heartbeat. Watch this space, as Frontaer’s goods may be in stock real soon!